We often do not register what important and essential part art plays in our lives. Paradoxically, it was only the coronavirus that pointed this out, when many people realized how much culture and art help us to live happier and more fully life. Art is not just images or photographs. Basically, when I look around, I perceive art all around us. In the music I listen to all day, in designer cups from which I drink coffee, in books or movies when I relax, in nature that offers us perfect color compositions ... And thanks to my beautiful work, I am surrounded by art not only during my free time but also within my job responsibilities. In fact, I don't even know if life without art can be imagined ...
How do you perceive the public's interest in art before the pandemic and in the present? Did you notice a difference?
In my view, the pandemic has done us a "service" in this regard. The world stopped for a while, suddenly there was nowhere to go, we stayed at home with a cup of tea in hand while looking at the works of art in our household, which we may not have had time to perceive in more detail until then. In ramarry, for example, they told me that after opening, many customers pulled dust-soaked paintings into the light and wanted to frame them so that they could enjoy them at home. Those who did not have any treasures in a cellar were looking for art online, which was confirmed by a significant increase in website traffic statistics. During this period, many invested in art as an article that should "survive" unpredictable economic developments.
The entire interview with gallery owner Melita Fodor Gwerková was published in the June issue of Harmónia magazine.