Have you ever thought about how ancient art, eg. objects from Egypt appear on the market or in a museum? They do not always get there legally...…

Lecture: Trafficking of illicit antiquities


Have you ever thought about how ancient art, eg. objects from Egypt appear on the market or in a museum? They do not always get there legally... Illegal trading of antiquities amounts worldwide to about $ 6 billion per year. Many of these works end up in private collections, but also in museums and auction houses. How do they actually get there? How does trafficking of illicit antiquities work? Melita Fodor Gwerková will address this issue from a global perspective, focusing in particular on the following areas:

- current numbers
- the structure of the world market and the mechanism of smuggling and trafficking in antiquities 
- the best known cases that could easily be the subject of a film
- in short on international law and regulation, or who is to blame?
- how we can eliminate this problem and why it matters

The lecture is the third of the series "The Other Side of Art", in which we have already dealt with art forgery and art theft.

Location: Art Books Coffee, Bastova 6 / B, Bratislava
Date: Thursday, September 30, 2019
Time: 18:00